Transforming a Spare Space
- 2015-07-01
- By Phil Kirk
- Posted in Home Improvement
It’s easy to understand and transform certain rooms in your home. The kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedrooms all have a purpose to them. Filling them with furniture is a much easier task knowing what room they are as opposed to trying to figure it out from scratch. This is one reason why many homeowners aren’t sure what to do when it comes to filling a ‘blank’ space. If you have a spare room in your home, large of small, there are plenty of things you can do with it in order to create a great space which adds value and convenience to your home. Think about that one room you would love to have in your home. Whether it’s a lounge area to relax or a useful space for items, giving new life to a space is just another way to get the most out of your home. Below are some ideas on how to use spare rooms in your home.
Organization Headquarters
You’ve more than likely seen ultra-organized rooms on television. The people who are able to have a single room for any and every need they might have for their home. With a spare space in your home you can turn the room into an organization headquarters. Visiting the organization section at your local store will actually have a purpose now. It’s easy to build up your organizational skills by doing a little planning ahead. Check out sites likes Pinterest or Houzz for some great ideas for how you want to plan your room. Buying shelving, bins, and a small table can help you start the process. Just about anything can be stored in this room to give you easy access to the items you’ll eventually need. Holiday items such as wrapping paper and bows, birthday party supplies, and seasonal decorations are all great items to store in the room. Having everything you need in one space will shave weeks off time spent digging around in boxes.
New Closet
Some homes come with large, walk-in closets that never need a single thing done to them. Other homes host small closets that you can barely fit all your clothes in. If you have a spare room in your home and you‘re not exactly sure what to do with it then turning it into a new walk-in closet might just solve all your storage space issues. Having a walk-in closet is a huge luxury if you have more than a few items of clothing. It holds a lot more than just clothes. Being able to store away winter clothes in the summer, tank tops and shorts in the winter, and having the ability to store all your shoes in a single space is a huge bonus for many homeowners. You can find closet kits online to help build up the space or invest in pieces of furniture made to hang and store clothes. Turning an extra room into a walk-in closet can benefit your home if you plan on selling in the future and will also save you the stress of trying to figure out where to put all your clothes.
Lounge Area
If you work a lot or have odd office hours then you know just how hard it is to find time to go out to your favorite spot. Sometimes even when you do find the time, your spot could be crowded or not quite what you remembered. Why not bring the relaxation and fun of your favorite spot back to your house? Creating a lounge area in your spare room is a great way to take advantage of the unused space while also treating yourself to a little fun. Introducing a television set, a small bar, or your favorite games to the room will give it a fun feeling right when you walk through the door. Add some soft furniture to the room to relax on and you’ll have the perfect space to entertain or simply enjoy after work. Whatever works for you is the best way to use the room. It can be an entertainment space, a lounge area, or even an exercise space. No matter which you choose it should be a space you enjoy.
If you have questions about your renovation projects or need professional help with your home repair, Kirk Enterprises, Inc. is here to help. Call us at 703-791-4781 for more information.